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Donate Online

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To make a donation you have two options. First, to simply make a donation, which requires entering personal/card data for each donation; or second, to set up an account on the link to make donations without re-entering all personal/card data each time. There is also an option to partially offset the credit card fee by clicking on a 2.75% box. Vanco processes card data securely, none of which is accessed or stored at St. Clement’s, sends donors an email receipt and sends a secure notification to the St. Clement’s accounting firm for crediting donor accounts. You can choose to designate your donation to our general fund (which helps pay the bills, etc.) or you have the option to donated to some as Memorial Gifts or Building Repair.


St. Clement's Episcopal Church

Clemmons, NC

St. Clement's Episcopal Church. Proudly created with

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