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had changed.
stained glass window
Church landscaped view
Bees enjoying my rhododendron


Welcome, and thank you for visiting us online. We hope that our website can answer your questions. If not, please feel free to call or come in for a visit. We look forward to meeting you!


Office Hours

Mondays through Thursdays, 9 am - 1pm.

The office is closed on Fridays and on all federal holidays.


Phone: 336-766-4323



Visit us:

3600 Harper Rd.

Clemmons, NC


Send Mail:

PO Box 1547

Clemmons, NC


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Our Mission


Open Minds + Loving Hearts + Giving Hands


"Becoming a reconciling presence within the community, celebrating the Risen Christ, embracing all people and building a family of faith." 

We are located on Harper Rd., just 2/10 of a mile north of Interstate 40 at Exit 182. 


 Go to the "Visit Us" page for our physical location, map, and mailing address. 

​Sunday Services

Rite II Holy Eucharist

without music @ 8 am

with music @ 10 am


*Coffee & Conversation 8:30-9 am, parish hall

*Formation, 9 am-9:45 am, parish hall


​​​​Watch Sunday services from home?  Live-stream here

 If you wish to watch our service from home, our service is live streamed on our Facebook page. Because our page is public, you do not need a FB account in order to see our page. There is also a link to the Sunday bulletin below in the "Helpful Links" section. 


Book of Common Prayer pdf version


The National Cathedral Online




​Lenten Evening Prayer

Come and join us as we gather for a contemplative service of Evening Prayer to be offered every Wednesday at 5:45 p.m., beginning on March 12th and continuing through Wednesday April 9th.  All are welcome to a quiet mid-week opportunity for solace and reflection as we share the sacred words of the service of Rite I Evening Prayer.


Clemmons Food Pantry

Current needs:  rice, dry beans, baking and snacks. 


Storehouse for Jeus

Current needs:   personal care items, laundry detergent, cleaning supplies, and children’s clothing (no teen sizes).​



We support various Outreach ministries, please click here  for details. Thank you for your continued generosity. 


Al-Anon Meetings - Fridays @ 12 noon 

In-Person (please come to the back door). 

Everyone who has experienced life with an alcoholic be they a spouse, friend, child, or parent - are welcomed. Masks are optional if you are fully vaccinated.


Holy Week

  • Maundy Thursday Liturgy - Thursday, April 17, 7:30 pm

  • Good Friday Service - Friday, April 18, 12 noon

  • Easter Sunday Services - Sunday, April 20, TBA

Helpful Links
Calendar at a Glance


​Sunday Services

Rite II Quiet Eucharist @ 8:00 am

Rite II Eucharist w/ Music @ 10 am 

Coffee hour and Formation are held between the services. Please join us. 

Shepherd's Center Drawing & Art Class

Meets in our parish hall every Tuesday @ 9:30 am

Lenten Evening Prayer

Wednesdays during Lent, 3/12-4/9 @ 5:45 pm

Women’s Group

Meets every Thursday morning, 10:30 am in the parish hall. Click here for more information.

Al-Anon meetings

Meets every Friday in the parish hall, 12-1 pm

Men’s Group

Meets every Saturday morning via zoom, 8-10 am


St. Clement's Episcopal Church

Clemmons, NC

St. Clement's Episcopal Church. Proudly created with

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